The government published a framework setting out what the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, together with its sponsored bodies, could do to contribute to the goal of full equality for disabled people.
Source: Beyond 2004: Framework for action on disability, Department for Culture, Media and Sport (020 7211 6200)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2003-Nov
The government began consultation on improved access to rail transport for disabled people.
Source: Consultation on Government's proposals to amend Rail provisions in Part V of DDA, Department for Transport (0870 1226 236)
Links: Consultation paper (pdf)
Date: 2003-Nov
A report said that problems of accessibility to polling stations experienced during the Welsh Assembly elections in 2003 were worse than they had been for the general election in 2001.
Source: Gwilym Morris, Giles Roddy and Esther Barnett, Polls Apart Cymru, Scope (020 7619 7341)
Links: Report (pdf links) | Scope press release (Word file)
Date: 2003-Oct
A report said that almost 3 million children and adults were denied the right to read, because they had a sight problem, dyslexia or another reading disability: 95 per cent of all books, magazines and newspapers never became available in large print, audio, braille or electronically.
Source: Overdue: The right to read for almost three million people in the UK with sight problems or other reading disabilities, Royal National Institute of the Blind (020 7388 1266)
Links: Report (pdf) | RNIB press release
Date: 2003-Oct
A blind guide-dog owner who was refused entry to a restaurant (after previously being allowed into the same establishment for around 25 years) was awarded the first ever mandatory injunction against a restaurant owner brought under the Disability Discrimination Act.
Source: Press release 10 September 2003, Royal National Institute for the Blind (020 7391 2223)
Links: RNIB press release
Date: 2003-Sep
A wheelchair user who was refused a place by a sixth-form college because it deemed him a safety risk won a mandatory injunction against the college - the first successful action of its kind in the education system. (From September 2002, new anti-discrimination laws made it unlawful for disabled students and pupils to be treated less favourably when applying for a place at school, college or university.)
Source: Press release 1 September 2003, Disability Rights Commission (08457 622 633)
Links: DRC press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2003-Sep
A case study report documented the difficulties faced by disabled people in Northern Ireland when they tried to use various modes of transport.
Source: All Aboard? The experience of disabled people using public transport in Northern Ireland, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (028 90 500600)
Links: Report (Word file)
Date: 2003-Aug
A survey found that only 74,206 people were listed on the water companies registers of disabled or elderly customers at the end of 2002 (England and Wales), compared with 560,000 in the electricity sector and 696,500 in gas for the same period.
Source: Review of the Application of Ofwat Guidelines on Services for Elderly or Disabled Customers, WaterVoice (0121 625 1373)
Links: Report (pdf) | WaterVoice press release (Word file) | Ofwat press release
Date: 2003-Jun
A report highlighted the practical and social obstacles facing families with a severely disabled child on visits to arts and tourist venues. It said that venues needed to start by training front of house staff to understand their particular needs.
Source: Jean Line, Arts for All?, Mencap (0808 808 1111)
Links: Report (pdf) | Press release
Date: 2003-May
A report said that 90 per cent of primary care trusts are failing to comply with government guidelines on disability access, and risk breaching the Disability Discrimination Act. It called for compulsory disability training for health staff.
Source: Fair Treatment?: Survey of disability access policies in primary care trusts, Leonard Cheshire (020 7802 8204)
Links: Report (pdf) | Press release
Date: 2003-Mar
The Royal National Institute for the Blind reportedly accused the Post Office of ignoring its advice on the accessibility of new automated machines to be used from April 2003 to access benefits and pensions payments.
Source: The Guardian, 19.2.03
Links: Guardian report
Date: 2003-Feb
Proposals were made for extending the concessionary fares scheme in Northern Ireland, giving half-fare travel on public transport to those who are partially sighted, those who are eligible for the mobility component of the disability living allowance, people with a learning disability, and those refused a driving licence on medical grounds.
Source: Press release 26.2.03, Northern Ireland Executive (028 9052 0500)
Links: Press release
Date: 2003-Feb
A report identified wide gaps in services for visually impaired older people. It said that visual impairment is one of the most prevalent and disabling conditions in later life, and that social isolation and lack of human contact are serious concerns.
Source: John Percival, Julienne Hanson, Malcolm Johnson and Reem Zako, The Housing and Support Needs of Older People with Visual Impairment, Thomas Pocklington Trust (020 8995 0880)
Links: Community Care article
Date: 2003-Jan